Assalamu alaikum, It’s that time of the month again where we make time (for the sake of Allah) to gather together as a community to get to know each other over a light meal and plenty of teas and coffees (not forgetting soft drinks). The aim of this gathering is to build a strong bond …

Assalamu alaikum,

It’s that time of the month again where we make time (for the sake of Allah) to gather together as a community to get to know each other over a light meal and plenty of teas and coffees (not forgetting soft drinks). The aim of this gathering is to build a strong bond in our community between brothers, sisters and most importantly our children so that they have a strong connection and a sense of belonging in the community. This will Insh-Allah bear fruits for the future.

Please find below the detail of the venue and the programmer for the day:


Sutton Youth Centre

Robin Hood Lane


11am – 1pm

Sisters who wants to help please be there by 10:30

Sisters only activities: (BBB) Basket Ball and Baking!!!


Nutty Sunday:

“This Sunday, Sister Natasha will be teaching a baking class, making Chewy Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter Cookies. As with the last gathering, sr. Natasha will provide the ingredients but she needs to know by Friday how many sisters are coming. (Of course, this recipe will contain peanuts, so it will not be suitable if you have nut allergies.)

So if you are interested please message Br. Abdullatif who will pass the final numbers on. As before, sister Nathasha will not charge for the ingredients or for the class but she suggests that each participant pays a £1.00 donation for COM.”


Pop it into the Basket:

At the same time Sister Sharon will keep the sisters light on their feet leading them into a session of Basket Ball.

13:15  16:40 pm

The core hours/activities for all ;-

This is the core time which everyone in the family should do their best to attend. This is the main social gathering which will include (but not necessary order):

Prayers (Thuhur prayer will be at 13:30 sharp in-shaa’a Allah) , Lunch, COM General Monthly Meeting, Short Reminder, Q&A session, and of course many breaks in-between to allow for socialising.

Optional;-  Brothers Fun/Sports activities ( on sitethere are Table tennis –bring your ping balls etc, pool tables –bring your own queues-, there is basket balls, shuttle cock … )

Please make every intention to attend.

See you ALL on Sunday in-shaa’a Allah

Yours Brotherly
07 803 182 785


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